Efficient electricity distribution plays a key role in the energy transition. In the pursuit of carbon neutrality, renewable energy distribution and electrification of transport are growing strongly. These circumstances make the electricity network more dynamic and complex, posing challenges to electricity quality and security of supply. Above all, future electricity distribution will require more flexible capacity management in constantly changing situations at all voltage levels, from transmission to low-voltage networks. An intelligent, high-performance distribution management system that meets the needs of the future will help maintain electricity supply.
So how will the distribution management system support electricity distribution in the future? Here are six key ways.
The distribution management system collects relevant data from the SCADA system and also real-time measurement data from smart meter systems installed at the points of use. The distribution management system processes the data it collects by analyzing, calculating and visualizing it in a format that can be used to address the challenges of the energy transition. While increasing communication with external systems, the distribution management system will be able to receive real-time data securely.

The distribution management system uses the data it collects to comprehensively monitor and control the status of the network. It provides the user with a detailed and reliable real-time electrotechnical snapshot of the network. This enables the electric utility to monitor, for example, the loads on transformers and lines in real time. Good situational awareness enables good electricity quality. It also allows utilities to respond to network problems before they lead to interruptions or component damage.

The distribution management system collects a huge amount of information from different sources at all voltage levels. The system's assistive automation combines this information, makes recommendations for actions and thus speeds up processes, while reducing routine tasks and human errors. The distribution management system, for example, provides action suggestions for optimizing the network in terms of losses or reactive power. The system translates the data it gathers into decisions, fast responses and proactive network management. Everything works through a single user interface.

The distribution management system enables optimal operation of the network at all voltage levels under all conditions – including normal operating mode. A cost-effective and secure way to manage the network is based on real-time data and analytics. High performance is needed because the network circumstances can change rapidly and the distribution management system must be able to process huge amounts of data in real time. It provides information on the current state of the network, but also predictions for the near future. It enables proactive network management and minimizes losses and operating costs.

Electricity generation and consumption can vary greatly from time to time, which can make it a challenge to ensure good electricity quality. Therefore, a more flexible capacity management at all voltage levels will be required in the future to ensure an efficient electricity supply. Here, the distribution management system will play an important role, allowing for prediction and rapid response. The use of the necessary functionality of SCADA and the control and readout functions of smart meters through the distribution management system is essential for capacity management.

Network management focuses on proactive fault prevention. In the event of outages, the distribution management system speeds up fault repair and isolates fault areas through network automation. In preparation of a major storm and potentially resulting outages, the distribution management system automatically designs an optimal switching situation for troubleshooting. The aim is to mitigate the customer impact of predictable interruptions. Comprehensive information on the outage, its cause and duration will be provided, resulting in more precise customer communications.

With these six features, an intelligent and high-performance distribution management system will ensure security of electricity supply and smooth operation in the face of future challenges.