Municipalities and wastewater utilities are faced with the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements, acquiring sufficient data to support system capacity and maintenance planning, accurately billing for wastewater custody transfer, assessing asset condition, maintaining an aging infrastructure, and managing high flow volumes from inflow and infiltration.
Trimble Unity Wastewater Flow Monitoring and Analysis software addresses the challenges faced in the wastewater industry by offering simple to use, GIS and web based workflows to better manage, collaborate, analyze and report on wastewater flow data and network performance. The software is powered by the Trimble Unity GIS-centric cloud and mobile software platform and offers users added value workflows to efficiently manage network assets and field operations.
Monitor and minimize combined and sanitary sewer overflows (CSO/SSO) and environmental impacts. The software quickly identifies and analyzes flow anomalies that could result in infrastructure failure, flooding, environmental damage and regulatory penalties.
Make informed decisions when planning capital investment projects. Data collected by the software ensures investments decisions are made on real asset condition and performance data.
Gain real-time situational awareness of wastewater operations and asset performance. Combined with Trimble Telog’s rugged, wireless, battery powered sensors and remote telemetry units (RTUs) the software empowers data analysts and engineers with the tools they need to make informed decisions when responding to system surcharges and overflows.
Streamline regulatory reporting. With easy to-use tools to collect, quickly edit and annotate telemetry data, the software ensures reliable data for reporting and regulatory compliance.
Advanced storm and wet weather analysis by leveraging Telog Enterprise software and its modules. The module capabilities include Rainfall-Derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII) analysis and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) data importing, computed and derived measurements and system health and regulatory reports.
Improve asset management and field operations. The software leverages the full capabilities of the Trimble Unity software platform by offering GIS-centric field and office work management workflows to streamline field service operations, reduce event response times and gather authoritative field data to meet regulatory requirements.