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Trimble Utilities and Public Administration (U&PA) provides digital asset and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions for electric, gas, district heating, communications and water utilities and local governments. Through a broad portfolio of cloud software, IoT and mobile solutions, Trimble empowers utilities and local governments with accurate data defining the digital twin as well as predictive model capabilities and analytics. These solutions enable optimal asset management and allow our customers to achieve resilient and sustainable utility networks and communities. Trimble’s U&PA brands include Cityworks, Trimble Unity, Trimble NIS, Caydence and Locus Cloud.
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For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB), visit:
Trimble Utilities and Public Administration (U&PA) provides digital asset and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions for electric, gas and water utilities and local governments. Through a broad portfolio of cloud and SaaS software, IoT and mobile solutions, Trimble empowers utilities and local governments with accurate data defining the digital twin as well as predictive model capabilities and analytics. These solutions enable optimal asset management, investment decisions and performance. Solving key infrastructure needs, Trimble’s U&PA brands include Trimble NIS, Trimble Locus, Trimble Unity, Caydence and Cityworks.
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For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB), visit:
Trimble Utilities & Public Administration offers a portfolio of digital asset and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions for utilities and local governments enabling optimal asset and infrastructure management and investment decisions based on accurate data, predictive models & analytics.
Trimble Utilities provides digital asset and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions for electric, gas, district heating, communications and water utilities and local governments. Through a broad portfolio of cloud software, IoT and mobile solutions, Trimble empowers utilities with accurate data defining the digital twin as well as predictive model capabilities and analytics. These solutions enable optimal asset management and allow our customers to achieve resilient and sustainable utility networks and communities.
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For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB), visit:
Trimble Utilities and Public Administration (U&PA) tilbyr løsninger for håndtering av digital tvilling og dokumentasjonssystem for nett innenfor energi- og vann. Gjennom en bred portefølje av programvare, IoT- og mobile løsninger gir Trimble nettselskap og kommune, tilgang til nøyaktige data som defineres den digitale tvilling samt funksjoner for prediktive modeller og analyser. Disse løsningene optimaliserer tilgang og forvaltning, samt gjør det mulig for våre kunder å oppnå robuste og forsyningssikre nett for samfunnet.
Trimble Utilities and Public Administration (U&PA) tillhandahåller lösningar för hantering av digitala tillgångar och infrastruktur för el-, gas-, fjärrvärme-, kommunikations- och vattenförsörjningsföretag och lokala myndigheter. Genom en bred portfölj av molnmjukvara, IoT- och mobillösningar ger Trimble allmännyttiga företag och lokala förvaltningar tillgång till exakta data som definierar den digitala tvillingen samt till funktioner för prediktiva modeller och analyser. Dessa lösningar möjliggör optimal tillgångsförvaltning och gör det möjligt för våra kunder att uppnå motståndskraftiga och hållbara försörjningsnät och samhällen. Trimbles varumärken inom U&PA omfattar Trimble Unity, Trimble NIS och Locus Cloud.
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För mer information om Trimble på engelska, besök:
Trimble Utilities provides digital asset and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions for electric, gas, district heating, communications and water utilities and local governments. Through a broad portfolio of cloud software, IoT and mobile solutions, Trimble empowers utilities with accurate data defining the digital twin as well as predictive model capabilities and analytics. These solutions enable optimal asset management and allow our customers to achieve resilient and sustainable utility networks and communities.
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For more information about Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB), visit: